Buy commercial property in your SIPP

It is possible to hold commercial property within your Hartley Pension SIPP or SSAS. We have a dedicated product called the Empire SIPP to hold commercial property. Hartley first purchased a property for one of its pension schemes in 1982. Since that date we have become property experts within the pension industry.


How we hold SIPP Property

Our procedure to deal with SIPP property purchases is that we set up a client specific special purpose vehicle company (SPV) to hold legal title on behalf of the SIPP trustee.

At the point of completion our SPV will execute a declaration of trust confirming that it holds the property on behalf of the pension arrangement in accordance with the trust governing the Hartley pension scheme.

As it is our SPV which holds legal title, it will be the SPV which grants a charge over the property in consideration of any bank loan made to the SPV. Ultimate liability under what we sign will rest with the assets of the SPV. This can help protect other SIPP assets from being brought in to discharge any further liability if the property loan or any legal case is brought against the property.


You’re the Property Manager

Hartley Pensions will concentrate on being a pension administrator to your scheme. We will agree prior to any purchase what role you wish for us to undertake in regards to managing the property. It will be your responsibility to arrange insurance, find tenants, produce leases and other property management tasks. You can arrange for a professional property manager to do these tasks.

If you would like our assistance in running your property our sister company Wilton Group have an experienced property management team based in London Mayfair and Isle of Man looks after a diverse range of property portfolios.

Their services include;

  • Search for appropriate property to hold within your pension portfolio
  • Instruct solicitors to complete purchase
  • Arrange any borrowing
  • Source Tenants
  • Produce lease
  • Manager Insurance
  • Register for VAT
  • Control Property Maintenance
  • Compile full accounts

For more information on Wilton services please see their webpage or contact Trudy Nicholl on email by



By Michael Baber | November 23, 2017 | 0 Comments

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