Pension Transfer Qualifications
Since the FCA introduced requirement to tighten the advice process for the transfer of safeguarded benefits both the Charted Insurance Institute (CII) and Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) have introduced a new pension transfer qualification to help you meet the FCA Pension Transfer Specialist Standards (Activity) 11.
The CII the Level 4 Certificate in Pension Transfers Advice now includes the new Level 6 unit AF7 Pension Transfers along with the existing R01 Financial Services, Regulation & Ethics, R02 Investment Principles and Risks and R04 Pensions and retirement planning.
In addition to the new AF7 exam the CII have announced that they will also introduce a new Level 6 Advanced Diploma unit AF8 Retirement income planning in October 2017. AF8 and AF7 combined will replace the AF3 unit which will be withdrawn in April 2018.
Over 500 professionals have signed up for these exams with in the first week of the qualifications launch.
CISI have launched the new Level 6 Certificate in Pension Transfer & Planning Advice which has recently received FCA recognition.
The CISI recommend the exam to candidates who have met other FCA qualification requirements such regulation and ethics, investment and risk and retirement planning which coincides with the CII’s stance.
As this is a new qualification for the CISI they have a 40% off introductory offer for the Dec 2017 and June 2018 sittings.
In completing either exam it will enable successful candidates to receive a Statement of Professional Standing for Retail Investment Products.
Hartley Pensions pride ourselves on keeping up to date with industry recognised qualifications with over 70% of its staff achieving qualifications ranging from Certificates to Fellowship of the CII.